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Two Letters Re: Using Homeowners Insurance To Replace Lost Prepping Supplies And Retreat

I have a distinct problem with OPSEC and insurance coverage [1]. It is a blazing example of how self reporting can backfire in an event. The insurance company and your agent know what you have, how much, the dollar value, et cetera. There is no guarantee that the insurance agent, along with others, will just settle into a steady ongoing supply of whatever they need if things got bad via all these people who put insurance coverage as being tantamount to success. Even others getting access to this info, via a myriad of other means, could put you in jeopardy in present time.

Yes, during a natural event your property may be destroyed. That could be costly, but is running a flashing beacon for others to hone in on really in your best interests?

BTW, my agent told me the other day if things got bad he saw my acreage as having room for him to stay for a while. You don’t know what these people think. I am working now on finding another agent that, hopefully, is more personally responsible. He is an urban agent who covered rural holdings and will be one client shy soon.


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Gentlemen: The author, an insurance agent, recommends that gold and similar valuables be itemized in the home insurance policy. He does not, however, address the risk to OPSEC of doing so. In addition to the agent who processes the application, who else in the agent’s office and in the insurance company has access to this information? Does this not increase the risk of eventual premeditated theft (in desperate times), as opposed to random burglary?

Sincerely, W