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Odds ‘n Sods:

In an update on the article related to asthma medication, A New Twist on a Live-Saving Medicine [1] ,from SurvivalBlog’s Medical Editor, posted January, 2013, Dr. Koelker submitted the following:

“As of February 26, 2014 the FDA advisory panel has recommended against the release of a replacement for Primatene Mist. Though the majority of panel members considered the medication effective, they expressed concern about safety issues, including inaccuracy of dosing, clogging of the device, side-effects, and the risks of self-diagnosis and self-medication. The FDA is not bound by the panel’s recommendations, but generally does follow the advice of the advisory committee.

“The question of whether any asthma medications should be over-the-counter was also raised by the panel. However, for now Asthmanefrin (racepinephrine solution with battery-powered nebulizer) remains available without a prescription. Reviews of the product raise concerns about effectiveness of the nebulizer device after repeated use. Therefore, it would be advisable to have a standard nebulizer chamber and tubing available as an alternative delivery device. If no electricity-powered nebulizer machine is available, compressed air may be supplied to the nebulizer chamber via a bicycle tire pump, a (new) garden sprayer, or even a hand-powered balloon pump.

“As for other OTC asthma medications, caffeine is also effective for asthma, though probably not strong enough to abort a serious asthma attack. Side-effects of caffeine (jitteriness, insomnia, elevated heart rate) are likely at doses necessary to relieve bronchospasm and wheezing.

“Anyone with inhaler-dependent asthma would still do well to request an extra emergency supply of albuterol (or other beta-agonist inhaler) from their personal physician, in addition to stockpiling the above over-the-counter medications.” -Cynthia J. Koelker, MD – Medical editor for SurvivalBlog (and host of www.armageddonmedicine.net).

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Watch The Spread of Walmart Across The Country In One Horrifying GIF [2]. I remember when walmart advertised that they promoted locally manufactured goods. How times have changed. The last time I was in Walmart, I was hard pressed to find anything that wasn’t made in China.

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