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Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog’s Editor-at-Large [1], Michael Z. Williamson, forwarded this link about a computer threat [2].

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Michael also sent in this article [3] about how two administrations lied about an error on the Do Not Fly list, refused to admit and correct the mistake and defended secrecy as “national security.”

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A federal judge in Missouri ruled that drivers have a First Amendment right to warn other motorists [4] of nearby police and speed traps. – Mike.

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FreeSpeechMe [5], an Anti-Censorship, Anti-Hijacking Free Software Dot-Bit Plug-in for Windows and GNU/Linux was released this month. If anyone has been using it, we would sure like to hear how it’s working for you.

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The Daily Telegraph has revealed a that the EU has secret plan for police to ‘remote stop’ cars [6]. – G.P.