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Seven Letters Re: Shotgun Safety


In regards to the shotgun safety letter [1], I would like to suggest the use of a shot shell “dummy” to keep loaded in the action of the shotgun. A dummy serves both to add another level of safety, in lieu of keeping a round chambered, and also allows the weapon to be quickly cycled without having to find and push the small button or release located at the rear of the receiver on most shotguns. These can be found at most gun stores. (I bought mine from Midway USA.) Thanks for all you do. Keep up the good work, and keep on rockin’ in the free world. – E.

HJL Replies: While the sound of working the action of a shotgun is indeed intimidating (especially in the movies), remember that you also give up time (one or two seconds) to the working of the action and lose some advantage. Also, some people use Automatic shotguns rather than pumps.