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Odds ‘n Sods:

Mountain House just introduced a new Breakfast Bucket [1] which is now being offered by Directive 21. The introductory sale price of $79.99 with free shipping ends on January 10th, so order soon.

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Luke D. was the first of more than two dozen readers who sent this: The Congressman Who Went Off the Grid: Roscoe Bartlett spent 20 years on Capitol Hill. Now he lives in a remote cabin in the woods, prepping for doomsday. [2]

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Detroit police chief: Legal gun owners can deter crime [3]. (Thanks to Peter S. for the link.)

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Reader R.B.S. sent us one for our “I Told You So” File: Justice Department Pays Linkedin $500,000 For Unlimited Access To Your Personal Information [4]. Take note of the company name: “Carahsoft [5].” Do they think the American people are idiots? (You’ve probably already noticed that an anagram for “Carah” is “Hacar” which of course could be spoken “Hacker.”)