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Letter Re: Currently Available QRP Radio Kits

I’d like to discuss a couple of low power (“QRP”) ham radio transmitters. The first kit is a 10 Watt 75M SSB transceiver appropriately named The Survivor [1]. For the modest sum of $140 you get all the parts required to build a practical rig with a digital frequency readout capable of making voice contacts at night out to a range of 200 to 300 miles using simple (low to the ground) wire antennas in NVIS [2] mode. Another ham radio operator provided some additional tips and advice on building this kit on his blog [3].

The second kit is a crystal-controlled half Watt CW [4] transceiver with a built in iambic keyer called the RockMite [5]. This is available in versions for the 80M, 40M, 30M and 20M ham bands. The basic kit (minus knobs and connectors) runs $29. For an additional $16 you can purchase the knobs and connectors. The kit is designed to fit into an empty tin Altoids container, or you may purchase a deluxe enclosure called the ‘MityBox’ from American Morse Equipment.

These compact radios can easily be powered using a 12 volt gel cell and used to provide long range communications during off grid/grid down situations.

– 73 from Rick H. in Ohio