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Letter Re: Concerns About Idaho

Mr. Rawles,
I am leaving Alaska and actively looking for a new home in the American Redoubt [1]. The State of Idaho is (was?) at the top of my list but several recent articles in SurvivalBlog have cause for concern. (The recent item about he Boise gun show cancellation, for example.)
I understand that ‘nothing is perfect’ but can you reassure your readers that Idaho is not being infiltrated by the loony leftists?
Thank You and best regards, – Tom in Alaska

JWR Replies: The news item about Boise was posted because it was unusual, and definitely not the norm for Idaho, which is generally very pro-gun. In my estimation Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming still represent the very best states to work in and to live. While eastern Oregon and eastern Washington are at mercy of their respective state legislatures west of the Cascades, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming are consistently conservative, safe, and common-sense places to to live. Look at the whole gamut of issues and determining factors: taxes, gun laws, business climate, zoning, strong social fabric, right to work laws, demographics, crime rates, natural disaster risks, population density, self-sufficiency, insurance costs, pollution, home schooling laws, nuclear weapon targets, nuclear power plants, traffic, and on and on…