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A Special C.R.O.S.S. Ministries Announcement: On Hiatus

Dear SurvivalBlog Readers,

Greetings from the C.R.O.S.S. [1] Ministry family, the Woods!

Many and great thanks to those of you who have spent time before God praying for the ministry God placed before us, pray for us, and praying for guidance about how/when to minister to those in South Sudan. Thanks to those of you who donated financially and may God return to you abundantly more than you gave! God has worked greatly in us while pursuing the mission field in South Sudan. He has stretched, taught, corrected, edified and simply put, grown us in Christ through this process. We have been used of God to minister to others and be ministered to! God alone deserves the glory, honor, and credit for what He is doing in South Sudan!

In praying about whether to continue to pursue South Sudan or not (as we have faced some significant obstacles in raising sufficient funds and moving over there) I believe that God wants us to put South Sudan on the back burner for now, but not permanently. I am pretty attached to the country and its people, though I have only been there once. Please continue to pray for the people, in particular, those along the border areas with Sudan and South Sudan.

However, at this time despite my burning desire to help the Saints in that region, I believe God wants me to focus on my family’s needs for the time-being, but I believe that South Sudan is still in the future for us, just not according to our initial timetable. For those who have been wondering, what this means for C.R.O.S.S. is that the assets will stay in a trust account, waiting to be used of God. If C.R.O.S.S. were ever to be dissolved, then the assets would be transferred to a qualified Christian charitable organization with similar goals/vision in mind as they must by law and as they should be, before God. But I believe that He will send us in His good time to South Sudan. Our hope is in Christ crucified, buried and resurrected!

For now, please stop sending contributions, as we wait for God’s guidance.

Pray for the body of Christ worldwide and in particular now, those in South Sudan and adjoining countries!

In submission to Christ, – Micah and Dania Wood