By way of Mac Slavo’s SHTFPlan [1] blog: September 6, 1984: Ron Paul Warns of Surveillance State [2]
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A reader e-mailed me: “I have seen it all, now: Storage Food for Your Cat [3].” It is amazing what you can buy at Costco. The practicality of car storage food is debatable, but nonetheless Costco can be great. Stocking up on storage food and other items for your family’s survival stockpile at warehouse stores is described in “Rawles Gets You Ready Preparedness Course [4].” (Now available inexpensively via digital download.)
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The aging robot: Arnold Schwarzenegger Signs Up for ‘Terminator 5’ [5]
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U.S. Attorney’s Office says that Kwame Kilpatrick likely to spend ‘couple of decades’ in prison [6]. Perhaps Mayors Against Illegal Guns [7] should open local chapters in state and federal prisons.
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Owners of Saiga .308 AKs will be interested in these magazines [8], made in Utah. I hope that this maker follows up with magazines for other guns. (Thanks to Mr. C. for the link.)