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Economics and Investing:

Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large [1]) spotted this: Passed from War to War’: Germany’s Small Arms Exports Double [2]. Mike’s Comment: “This news story has been picked up by most German major papers. It is being seen as a way to attack Angela Merkel’s “Merkel Doctrine”. I believe it is safe to say that this might decrease the number of German Federal International Small Arms Export Licenses. This might impact the supply of H&Ks and Walthers in the US, which may push up retail prices.”

Mike also flagged this from Stratfor: The Growing Importance of the Arctic Council [3]

The Japanese Financial System Is Beginning To Spin Wildly Out Of Control [4]. (Thanks to Jim W. for the link.)

Long-term economic implications? Biodiversity Loss Becoming Major Threat For Farmed Plants And Livestock Breeds [5]. (Saving heirloom seed varieties [6] and raising rare livestock breeds [7] is wise and could prove profitable.)

Back to Basics – Gold, Silver, and the Economy [8]