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Letter Re: Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine and Preparedness

Dear Mr. Rawles:
I have been reading articles on your blog about the pretribulational rapture not being mentioned prior to 1800. I realize the writer is just ignorant of the facts. Someone needs to tell this guy the truth about the facts.
The pretribulational rapture was mentioned in Pseudo-Ephraem) in AD 373.  There are many other ancient writings dating back prior to 1800. These are mentioned in the easy to read book, “The Popular Handbook on the Rapture”. By Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Thomas Ice, and Dr. Ed Hindson.  
I am a Christian and I believe in the pretribulational rapture because it is biblical.  The first verse is when the Lord Jesus was offering the Kingdom to the Jewish people. The second verse is for Christian during the church age. I prepare not because I am afraid of the great tribulation. I prepare to follow 1 Tim 5:8 and being a good Christian.
Matthew 6:19-22 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
1 Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Sincerely, – Bill A.

JWR Replies: The text by Pseudo-Ephraem, “The Syrian”, (actually written after 700 A.D.) is often cited by Tim LaHaye, et al. But if you read the literal translation of the text [1], you will see that it is NOT referring to the so-called rapture. (Being “caught up in the clouds…”) Rather, it talks about how people will escape the Tribulation by dying in advance of it! I concur that pre-Tribulation rapture is a post-1800 contrivance. And from my own reading I must say that it has little Biblical support.

By the way, I don’t even like using the term rapture. (Which doesn’t occur in the Bible.) Although it is convenient shorthand, the term is a Darbyist invention, used to describe this prophetic event:

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (KJV)

FWIW, I believe that “…alive and remain…” refers to those of us who have survived the Tribulation period.

Regardless of our eschatological views, the bottom line is that all of Christ’s Elect need to stay in full fellowship and be ready, regardless of what occurs, and regardless of the sequence of events.

Here is some suggested reading:

Pre-Trib View: 50 Reasons Why the Rapture Must Happen Before the Tribulation [2]

Post-Trib View: Post Tribulation Rapture Belief [3]

I pray for correct discernment and that this issue is not unnecessarily divisive. I allowed it to be raised in my blog because I believe that all Christians should be thorough and articulate Bible scholars. Only by diligently studying scripture can we be ready to defend out faith! Studying complex issues like this is a good way to sharpen your Bible study skills. Iron sharpens iron.

Minor points of doctrine aside, the important thing is that people repent and get right with God!

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#1 Comment By tj On January 30, 2018 @ 10:59 pm

Interesting letter. I was just rereading the Founders book and read the “jab” by one character concerning the “dispensational pre-trib rapture nonsense” , as he called it. Got me curious so I did some googling and one took me here. As a Christian, I have fluctuated between the prepping approach materially and the spiritual issues at hand. I appreciate that you said the most important thing is the relationship with Jesus and that is so absolute. On the other, I was raised in a church that never mentioned the Tribulation/the rapture or any of this. Never heard of it until after marriage and my husband spoke of it/we watched the first Left Behind movie (with the really bad hair and outfits…pre LeHaye series). I was rather dumbfounded by it all and got really uncomfortable with the idea of guillotines. Seemed absurd at that time – fast forward to today and ISIS and it doesn’t seem so off the wall. BUt as my spouse said, “Well, no worry because you wouldn’t be here for that.” Always stuck with me that you can believe in the pre-trib rapture but understand that there are different thoughts. Be prepared in season and out. WIth that, I am again thinking along the lines of more serious prep. Which isn’t easy what with age and family situation which hasn’t allowed for creating a circle of people that one would align with. With that, I’m enjoying your books and will continue to reflect, while putting my feet to more action as well. The brakes seem somewhat on with the change in leadership at the top in this nation, but the core is still rotting. I cannot believe that difficult times are not ahead/we have so lost our moorings. Outside a miracle, I don’t see this nation regaining its foundation.