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Economics and Investing:

If the US markets are considered the “safe haven” amidst all the recent EU turmoil, then why isn’t the US Dollar Index [1] skyrocketing? (Mr. Market has some foresight.)

And if the global economy is in “recovery”, then why is the Baltic Dry Index [2] for shipping rates back in the dumpster? (JWR’s Comment: Sounds like more like a “Lohan” recovery to me, to wit: she’s checked into rehab, but there is no willingness to actually change.)

US Begins Regulating BitCoin, Will Apply “Money Laundering” Rules To Virtual Transactions [3]

I found this linked over at Gold-Eagle: The Dark Truth About The Safety Of Your ‘Savings’ [4]

Reuters reports: Euro zone call notes reveal extent of alarm over Cyprus [5]

Items from The Economatrix:

A 900 Million Euro Trade Rocked The London Options Market This Morning
[Cheryl’s Comment: Hmm… Sounds like someone is betting against the Euro?]

ADP:  Private Sector Job Growth Remains “Sturdy” [6]

Ick!  America’s Economic Signals Are Wildly Mixed [7]