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Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader J.McC. sent us two links for an enlightening study in contrasts:

These they release here in the States [1]

But these they seek to formally deport to their home country [2].

This confirms something about the BHO [3] Administration’s Agenda.

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Pierre M. sent: Chinese Cyberspies Attacked Natural Gas Pipeline Operators For Six Months Straight [4]

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JRH Enterprises will be hosting another Survival Medicine class [5] in Orlando, Florida on April 7, 2013. This is Part 1 in an ongoing series of medical training events. The class will be taught by a vascular surgeon and an Army Physician’s Assistant with two tours in Iraq. Several paramedics will also be assisting.

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Here is a sweet and fitting reply to Hollywood’s blowhards: Gun Control Works [6]. Oh and speaking of “gun control”: Florida bill would require anger management courses for bullet buyers [7]. [JWR’s Comment: I have a better idea: How about requiring a Temptation to Tyrannize Management class for anyone before they take public office?]

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G.G. flagged this: These Vehicles Are Tons of Fun, and Good for Thwarting Road Rage–Private Tank Owners Roll Out Heavy Weaponry; A Spin in Parking Lo [8]t [8]. JWR’s Comment: How could the reporter miss mentioning the MVPA [9]?