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Odds ‘n Sods:

A reader in Oklahoma asked about Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) anti-depressant drugs. Here is the short answer: Big Pharma has replaced Big Tobacco as D.C.’s unassailable legislative pressure group. SSRI drugs are a $50 billion per year industry. So don’t expect any highly-publicized congressional hearings that detail the links between mood altering drugs and school massacres, even though the evidence is plain as day [1]. OBTW, Forbes recently posted an excellent article on this subject, but it must have hit too close to the mark, because the editors spiked it, just a few days later. [2] (The huge advertising budgets of Big Pharma can be turned off and on at their discretion, so they obviously wield a lot of power.)

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Tam at View From The Porch [3] mentioned this: British Army Goes Glock [4].

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Stealth Hoodie foils FLIRs [5]. (Thanks to Scott B. for the link.)

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Resistance is building, folks: Texas, Missouri Join Other States Looking To Block Gun Bans [6]. And another approach: South Carolina bill would exempt state militia from federal gun rules [7]. Also, at the County level: First in the Nation: Beaufort County, NC Adopts Federal Gun Laws Nullification Resolution [8]