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SurvivalBlog 2005-2012 Archive Now Available Via Digital Download

It keeps getting bigger and better! The updated and expanded SurvivalBlog 2005-2012 archive [1] now available via digital download.

This new edition has expanded bonus material (a digital copy of my book Rawles on Retreats and Relocation–normally $28 in hard copy, 12 Firearms Manuals, and 14 U.S. Military Manuals), an improved user interface (with the same look and feel of the SurvivalBlog web site), and of course one more year of the blog content. The digital download and DVD both include the archives in HTML (10,131 pages) and PDF (7,923 pages). The blog archive is fully keyword searchable. It runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The archive provides you with all of the SurvivalBlog context since 2005, even when you are out the hinterboonies without an Internet connection, or if all of the Internet–or parts of the Internet–are, ahem, inaccessible.

A more tangible DVD version of the archive should be available in a couple of weeks, after we’ve had time to test some prototypes. The DVD will be priced $2 higher than the digital download.

A less robust Kindle version of the archive should follow, in a few weeks. Thanks for your patience.