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Economics and Investing:

The folks at Agora Financial are currently hawking a report [1] (that only comes “free” with a paid subscription to their newsletter) via an online slide show presentation that remarkably parallels all of the major points in my truly free 2009 article on Nickels [2]. It is downright agonizing listening to this presentation wherein the narrator talks around the real topic (which is nickels) for nearly half an hour. By the way, the “hedge fund manager Kyle B.” that is mentioned is of course Kyle Bass, who acquired $1 million worth of nickels in 2010 [3]. I have a lot of respect for the folks at Agora Financial, but not for the hard sell marketing approach that they chose to employ this time.

Dollar-Less Iranians Discover Virtual Currency [4]. (Thanks to R.B.S. for the link.)

How not to spend taxpayer funds: Navy purchaser diverted $74,000 for his private kit plane and gadgets [5]

Items from The Economatrix:

Our Economy is in Big Trouble [6]

Good-bye 401K, Good-bye IRA, Hello Argentina [7]

Consumer Spending in U.S. Declines as Sandy Reduces Wages [8]

11 Facts that Show That Europe is Heading Into an Economic Depression [9]