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Announcing C.R.O.S.S.: A Unique Missionary Outreach to South Sudan, by Micah Wood

SurvivalBlog readers and brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, Greetings!
My wife, Dania, has always desired in her heart to be a missionary. Until recently, I did not. Yet here I find myself publicly announcing to the readers of SurvivalBlog that God has sovereignly led us down a path, which clearly points to us becoming full time missionaries for our Lord Jesus Christ, in South Sudan.

Growing up, Dania read many of the famous missionary stories and felt God would likely lead her to the mission field one day too. Me? I didn’t read many of the missionary stories and couldn’t even name most of them, but knew missions were a worthy Biblical command and thus prayerfully and financially supported missions over the years (and presently do). But Dania and I shared this in common about our views on missionary work: we both knew that if we were to ever be sent to the mission field, that it would likely be to a harsh and remote place.

So what changed in me that I’m now eager to serve on the mission field, teaching the Reformed Doctrines of Grace? Simply put, God started me down this path without me knowing it about a year ago, working within my nature to guide me to the realization that this is where He wants Dania and me. A key part of this path was Jim Rawles’ posting here on SurvivalBlog: How You Can Help Defend South Sudan [1] back in March, 2012. Another SurvivalBlog post, Learning From Extreme Missionaries, by Chuck Holton [2] contributed significantly to the overall picture God was painting. It also led me and my wife to very helpful advice and mentoring from some wonderful fellow Christians who helped mold this plan into what it is now: God willing, a plan that will magnify His name and spread the Gospel of Christ! Each step of the way, God sovereignly directed me, corrected me and guided me and my wife. Praise God, for without Him I am nothing!

Please see the Christian Reformed Outreach, South Sudan (C.R.O.S.S.) web site [3] for more details on the country of South Sudan, their desperate need for the Gospel and basic humanitarian assistance and our plan (and doctrinal statement) to help with both needs. There is more on how you can help us defend the weak and helpless, and most importantly to assist us in spreading the love and knowledge of Christ’s saving work on the cross and resurrection from the dead! – Micah Wood

JWR Adds: C.R.O.S.S. Ministries plans to support Micah’s first trip to South Sudan, early in 2013. I have begun sponsoring C.R.O.S.S. Ministries [3] with monthly support, and I strongly encourage SurvivalBlog readers to do likewise. All donations are tax deductible. (Begin your donations before December 31st to take a deduction for this tax year.) They also take donations via PayPal–either as a one-time donation, or as ongoing monthly support donations. And even if you can’t spare a dime, please pray fervently for the people of South Sudan. Also pray that the government of South Sudan will be receptive to this unique ministry and that Micah will get in-country and start training villagers as soon as possible. I also encourage corporate sponsors to donate cash or field gear. Or, they could create “Buy One, Give One” (BOGO [4]) gear, so that one item is donated to C.R.O.S.S. for distribution in South Sudan for each item purchased by a customer here in the States.