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A T.M. in Arkansas Book Review: 7 Deadly Scenarios

7 Deadly Scenarios: A Military Futurist Explores War in the 21st Century [1] by Andres F. Krepinevich
Bantam Dell, New York, 2009. 334 pages including a thorough index.
ISBN 978-0-553-80539-0
The author of this book is the president of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and a former US Army officer with a Ph.D. from Harvard University.
In this book, he asks the hard questions most people choose to ignore. Being prepared is an ongoing task based on anticipation of something bad occurring. Planning for those occurrences is best done by utilizing scenarios to figure out your response, and what supplies are needed to insure your survival.

Although published three years ago, this book is still timely in the disasters it anticipates in Iraq, Pakistan, China, Israel, the global economy, and a pandemic.
The author explains how to create disaster or crisis scenarios for anyone from the military, civil authorities, and private citizens. He explains the dangers of not believing the results you may achieve from acting out your scenarios. The author explains the importance of keeping an open mind and remaining flexible during a crisis. If your plan is too rigid, you will probably fail. Have a plan B, C, and D for each eventuality. Share your plan with a trusted prepper and let them look for ways to improve your options. Return the favor with an open mind.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was war gamed by the US Navy in 1932 and filed away. The second and successful attack on the World Trade Towers was forewarned before the first attack by a security officer. The messenger was ignored. The French Army possessed a copy of the German Army plan of attack years before WWI began in 1914. They bought it from a German turncoat and filed it away.

The scenarios in this book include a collapse of Pakistan. Al Qaeda is actively working today to destabilize that nation both militarily and politically. What happens if they succeed?
A pandemic on the scale of the 1918 Flu will create havoc as our health facilities are overloaded, millions will die, and the global economy devastated in the process. Scientists and medical experts have told us for years that this monster is not a question of if, but a question of when. A pandemic can be seen coming, so do you have your flu shot, yet?
What happens if China decides to flex its’ military muscles in the South China Sea or the Pacific Ocean? Does our military and its’ allies have the power to win the struggle?
What happens in the event of an EMP? The favorite scenario is the collapse of the USA from terrorists or a rogue nation, but how about the case of a solar caused EMP in Europe or Asia? The economic devastation to the global economy will affect all of us.

What happens if the record setting drought of 2012 continues for another two to three years? Are you prepared for further food shortages and higher prices?
This book is well written, thought provoking, and will hopefully spur you to action to turn your disasters into inconveniences.