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Letter Re: American Redoubt Coverage

I’m a long-time blog reader and occasional writer just dropping a note by you to say first of all that I love the blog. I read it everyday without fail. I support you by clicking through to your sponsors and purchasing items. One thing I would like to state for the record is my objection to the constant yammering on about the American Redoubt [1]. [Some deleted, for brevity.] As one who has relocated from Florida to central Kentucky, I can tell you that there are more nice places to relocate to than just the Redoubt.

Once again, I love your mission, love the blog, and love the articles. Just stop mentioning the Redoubt so much. – Nickel Nick in Kentucky

JWR Replies: I now congregate nearly all of the articles that relate to the American Redoubt in a weekly column titled: “News From The American Redoubt”, on Tuesdays.  So if you want to avoid most of the Redoubt mentions, then simply skip reading that weekly column.