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Odds ‘n Sods:

I am weary of hearing police officers now referring to the general populace as “civilians.” I’ve noticed that this misnomer has become commonplace in the new century. Even some journalists are parroting this condescension [1] without any comment or correction, sometimes egregiously [2]. I’ll present the facts here as clearly and concisely: The police and sheriff’s deputies are our employees and they are civilians, too. The police are civil servants that help protect our property rights and civil rights, under civil law. (And hopefully with civility.) In contrast, military or “martial” law is the task of the Military Police and they are the only police who can call us civilians. It is noteworthy that under the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, Federal military personnel (with the exception of the Coast Guard) are prohibited from policing the citizenry. Please immediately correct any civilian law enforcement officers that mischaracterize their relationship with us. Continued misuse of such terms can gradually shift perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. Be vigilant of encroachments on our liberty!

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James C. sent this: Traffic fence in China collapses like row of dominoes: China’s state broadcaster has released surveillance video showing a fence dividing traffic in the city of Jinhua falling like a giant row of dominoes. [3] (Something tells me they used what Lectroid John Parker would call a “very baaad design.” [4])

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Kellene Bishop asserts that two years food storage is insufficient: A Seven Year Famine [5]

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Reader Chris M. mentioned this analysis by Scott Stewart of STRATFOR: The Other Consequences of Fast and Furious [6]. JWR’s Comment: FWIW, I’m dubious about this claim that ARs built from 80% complete receivers are showing up in significant numbers in Mexico.

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My wife (Avalanche Lily) suggested this article: The Corn Is Dying All Over America [7]