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Economics and Investing:

Peter Schiff’s Latest Advice to Investors [1]

Reader Tom K. sent this:

Stockton [California] set to become the largest US city to declare bankruptcy [2]

Discount Distortion: How Dollar Stores Actually Charge You More [3]

Allan C. sent: Is this 1931 all over again? Paul Krugman, Nouriel Roubini, Niall Ferguson and more think so [4]

Forty Million Houses in the US That No One Needs? [5]

The burden of unsupportable debt. US debt-to-GDP growing at a pace rivaling certain European nations – The dramatic problems of peak debt in 2012. [6]

From Sue C.: Euro zone Big Four confer after fifth state seeks aid [7]

Items from The Economatrix:

Princeton’s Blinder Says Fed Has Weak Weapons for Growth [8]

Moody’s Cuts Spanish Banks Over Sovereign Downgrade
US Homes Sales Slipped 1.5% in May [10]

The Disastrous Consequences of a Euro Crash [11]