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Letter Re: Linking Up With Local Ham Radio Operators


I’m in the process of gearing up my ham radio capabilities, as well as trying to coordinate with my neighbors.  I was listening to today’s podcast from survivalpodcast.com and they mentioned a web site called radioreference.com as a method of identifying what radio frequencies your local government entities operate on.  While I was on that site, I was excited to find an amateur radio search link [1] where you can do a search of ham licensees, by ZIP code.

I looked up my zip code and was amazed at the number of ham operators listed there.  By registering on the site, you can pull up the address of each licensee and look them up.  You can note their geographic proximity to you so that you know where your extra eyes and ears are located.  You can also use your nearby ham operators as a basis for organizing your neighbors, as the ham operators might likely have a prepper mindset.

Regards, – Curtis in Texas