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Odds ‘n Sods:

A reminder that I will be a guest speaker (via teleconference) at the Get Prepared Expo, in Springfield, Missouri on April 28 & 29, 2012. The expo is being organized by USAPrepares.com [1]. It will be held at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds.

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A reader from Florida wrote to ask me about the prospects for paying off the National Debt [2]. The short answer: It is mathematically impossible, unless the purchasing power of the US dollar is destroyed through mass inflation. (It worked for the Weimar Republic [3]…)

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My recent interview on the Alex Jones show is now available on YouTube: Living in The Age of Deception and Betrayal. [4] Update (August, 2018): The entire library of Infowars shows has been deleted by YouTube in part of a coordinated campaign of censorship against conservative voices. This is evidence that we truly are living in the age of deception and betrayal!

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Dr. Mike in Missouri wrote to mention that the digital edition of A Community Guide to Environmental Health is now available [5].

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Cheryl N. sent this: The Fallacy of Bugging Out:  Are You Prepared to be a Refugee? [6]