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Economics and Investing:

K.P. suggested this piece at Zero Hedge: Germany to Review Bundesbank Gold Reserves in Frankfurt, Paris, London and New York Fed [1]. Here is a brief quote: “The concern is that were the eurozone to collapse, Bundesbank’s losses could be half a trillion euros – more than one-and-a-half times the size of the Germany’s annual budget. In that scenario, Germany’s national patrimony of gold bullion reserves would be needed to support the currency – whether that be a new euro or a return to the Deutsche mark.” (When the going gets tough, they will repatriate their gold. Count on it.)

Zero Hedge also reports: Switzerland Wants Its Gold Back From The New York Fed [2]. To quote Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll): This is looking “curiouser and curiouser…”

The BBC says: Security: UK ‘must plan for euro collapse’ [3]. (Thanks to Andrew in England for the link.)

At Fierce Finance: The Real Jon Corzine [4]

Items from The Economatrix:

Greece Averts Immediate Default, Markets Skeptical [5]

Bernanke Is Giving Us The Recovery He Wants, Not The Recovery We Need [6]

Oil Up On Jobs Data Even As Dollar Rallies [7]

Gold Turns Higher On US Jobs Data, Oil Gains [8]