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Economics and Investing:

Thanks to David D. comes some analysis of how speculators can move markets: How Global Investors Make Money Out of Hunger [1]. [JWR’s Comment: Some of the surge in farm commodities prices can be attributed to hedging on anticipated currency value declines and higher fuel and fertilizer costs rather than the result of–or an expectation of–lower crop production. In essence, nearly all tangibles are viable hedges when the global currencies are engaged in a race to the bottom.

Steve W. sent some interesting news: Mint begins trial strikes in composition tests [2]. The good news is that the trials strikes are part of a two year study. (The contract runs through June 30, 2013.) So we may have some extra time to stockpile nickels [3] before the debasement. (For those interested in stockpiling nickels, there is a very informative discussion forum, [4] over at RealCent.)

Andre sent this: China Continues to buy gold in preparation of the end of the global dollar based ecosystem [5].

Diana S. forwarded another interesting article about s the debasement of U.S. coins in the 1960s: Removing the Silver [6].

B.B. suggested an interview of Marc Faber on Fox Business News [7].

Items from The Economatrix:

Downgrade of Debt Ratings Underscores Europe’s Woes [8]

24 Statistics to Show to Anyone Who Believes America Has a Bright Economic Future [9]

Why Oil Prices are About to Collapse [10]

It’s Earnings v. Europe for Stocks [11]