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Odds ‘n Sods:

I heard from my Editor at Penguin Books that my best-selling nonfiction book "How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It" [1] is now available at Sam’s Club warehouse stores, and it will also soon be available in Costco stores! Both offer a price that is competitive with Amazon’s, so here is your chance to buy a few copies for gifts, without having to wait or shipping, or to pay for shipping.

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I recently watched the re-make of the western movie True Grit [2]. Overall, it was a fine film that was more than just an homage to the original [3]. Like the 1969 production, this one was quite loyal to the novel by Charles Portis [4]. I particularly like the way that Portis captured the style of 19th Century dialogue and the vocabulary developed by home education. Much of this carried over into the screenplays of both films. The Coen Brothers (best known for O Brother, Where Art Thou? [5]) are gifted film makers. Note that given the traumatic events in the Indian Territory

depicted, neither film is suitable for children.

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An even deeper and darker conspiracy is being exposed: ‘Fast and Furious’ Linked to Immunity Deal Between U.S. and Sinaloa Cartel, Trafficking Defendant Alleges in Court Paper [6]. (Kudos to R.A. for sending the link.)

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Kevin S. sent this: Number of patients picking up life-threatening infections has doubled in just two years [7].

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Firearms can be multipurpose tools: Passer-by shoots out window to help rescue children from icy river crash [8].