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Two Letters Re: How I Survived an Attempted Murder

James Wesley:
Regarding the recent article “How I Survived an Attempted Murder, by A. in Ecuador”, I’m praying that A. has seen a ophthalmologist (not optometrist) about that flash in his eye.  Retinas can deteriorate quickly – if they can be fixed it is quite an intensive surgery and recovery – speaking from experience.  Consider the prospect of being blind in one eye for the rest of your life, not just while climbing a cliff to safety. It is wise to pay for the doctor visit! – F.W.


In A’s article he says he suffers from a flashing in his eye.  This could be a bigger problem than he thinks.  He could have torn, or detached retina or other nerve damage.  If it is a retina problem, get it fixed before it gets worse.  Laser surgery is simple, if painful.  A scleral buckle or vitrectomy are serious, and expensive, surgeries and will affect eyesight. 
I had detached retina several years ago.  It was far enough along that laser surgery didn’t help and a scleral buckle was installed.  I now have a blind spot in my right eye.  Please send an e-mail to A., urging him to see an eye specialist. Best wishes, – Kestrel