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Three Letters Re: A Single Mom’s Desire to Relocate

Dear Mr. Rawles,

I love your blog and visit it daily. You recently recommended a lady consider North Dakota (in Letter Re: A Single Mom’s Desire to Relocate), saying “You might also consider the Oil Patch of North Dakota, which is presently booming and has a considerable surplus of bachelors.”

My wife and I have been considering going there only because we’ve been out of work for quite some time and things are looking bleak. Researching the area we found at least one negative: there is some significant concern that a highly toxic material called Erionite has been used as road material in parts of the state. Just doing a search on Erionite, possibly also Mesothelioma, and the like, should give you enough of a start to make an informed decision. Here’s one article [1] to get you started. – Clementius

On Monday, Oct. 24, “Single Mom” wrote to ask for advice on finding rural land to “get herself and her son out of harms way”. JWR replied (in part):
“I recommend that you proceed with prayer. Pray that you find the right community in a safe region with a good church, and if it in God’s plan, a Godly husband.
For some general guidance, see my American Redoubt page [2] and my Retreat Area Recommendations page [3].”
Good advice, James. I would also suggest that “Single Mom” consider posting on your “Finding Other Preppers [4]” static page, which is linked on SurvivalBlog’s left sidebar. And “Mom” might additionally consider posting on www.ic.org [5]. It’s a well know web site for folks looking to start or join an intentional community and for already existing communities to find new members. Good Luck, – Jim, in Ohio


Dear Mr. Rawles:
Regarding “Single Mom’s” letter, I enclose the “Careers” link to Kootenai Medical Center in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho [6].
They’re always looking for RNs and since the market is down here, real estate is more available close by. I don’t claim Northern Idaho is the answer to her prayers but it’s better than a lot of places out there. At least it sure was when we relocated from Southern California.

Just trying to help someone that’s asking for some. Take care and keep up the good work that you do. – Brian W