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Notes from JWR:

They say that Internet posts and forwarded e-mails often take on lives of their own. This certainly rang true with me this morning, when a reader forwarded me a piece that began: “Due to the large number of jobs moving from California to Texas, Texas has compiled a “Californian to Texan” translation guide…” But that was a piece that was originally written by “Dan X.” and first posted in SurvivalBlog, back in January of 2011, as “The California – Wyoming Travel Dictionary” [1].  The part therein about “reintroduced wolves” doesn’t make any sense for Texas, but it does for Wyoming–which is how it was originally titled. It is not unusual to see these humorous items get forwarded on and on, sometimes for many years. Oh, and by the way, if I get another e-mail encouraging me to vote in the USA Today Gun Rights Survey from back in 2007, I think that I’ll scream.

Today we present a guest article by Dr. Bob of SurvivingHealthy.com.