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Letter Re: A Reader Reviews the Movie Phase 7

CPT Rawles,
Some thoughts on a little foreign film I first heard about on SurvivalBlog, titled Phase 7 [1].
Short Background: It is a foreign film in Spanish (with subtitles) set in a city in Argentina. A disease pandemic spreads across the globe and the residents of a small apartment building are quarantined inside. Mayhem ensues throughout the movie.
First, this movie isn’t made by Hollywood – So see it. It most certainly has some conspiracy aspects to it, but it doesn’t get to deep into the weeds (i.e. G. H. W Bush’s NWO speech.) The movie has a prepper, and though he comes across as a little unstable towards the end of the movie, his preparedness lifestyle and un-trusting view of government is more than just vindicated. It turns out he was right all along. It is rare for a movie to portray such a character in such a positive light, but then again, I said this is not a Hollywood movie. Unlike the movie Contagion , the “normal” people are the ones to fear and avoid, the government isn’t here to help, and the guy who prepares, is the guy who is in the best position to help.
My favorite part of this movie is the portrayal of the main character and his wife. They are oblivious to the world around them as the outbreak begins to unfold, and even after they learn of the outbreak, he is only moderately concerned about their situation. It’s not until the end of the movie, with a lot of help from his prepper neighbor, that he begins to take charge of his and his family’s future.

So many people in my life came to mind as I watched this. Just about everyone has the mentality that the current situation in the world is merely a phase and good times are just around the bend. Even if they are, which they are not in my opinion, we should be leading lives of preparedness – not excess, lives of education – not vegetation, anyway. “A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.” Proverbs 22:3.
Just some thoughts. I have plenty more, along with some criticisms. Please see it. I found it on Netflix.
Stay alert and think for yourself, folks. – CPT H.