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Odds ‘n Sods:

If you don’t already have a copy, then I highly recommend that you get the book The Prepared Family Guide to Uncommon Diseases [1]. (The author is “Enola Gay” of the excellent Paratus Familia [2] blog [2].) Some of the diseases described may become a lot more common, in the a major grid-down disaster, because sanitation will likely be pitiful–especially in the cities and suburbs. So get a copy for your bookshelf. Oh, and I’ve got to mention: Ironically, just a few months after publishing the book, the author’s own family contracted an uncommon disease [3]: Whooping Cough. After this happened, Enola Gay quipped: “It is not our intention to personally test each disease mentioned in my book.”

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California bans carrying even unloaded guns in public [4]. Oh, and speaking of The Mickey Mouse State: California Okays student aid for illegal immigrants [5]. And: New California law lets 12-year-olds consent to preventive care for sexually transmitted diseases, without parental notification [6]. If you live there, then flee! Vote with your feet, and move to The American Redoubt [7]. California is now a lost cause, both demographically and politically. (Thanks to G.G. and F.G. for the links.)

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P.R.D. liked this one: The buck stopped here: Town of Ithaca man confronts panicked deer inside his workshop [8]

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Grace H. suggested this gospel-rock music: Shelter Me“, sung by Tab Benoit [9], from the album, Power Of The Pontchartrain. (Lyrics by Buddy and Judy Miller.) I prefer traditional hymns, but your mileage may vary. You will recognize it as the theme music to the recently-mentioned “Sons of Guns” television show about a Baton Rogue custom gun maker.

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The New York Times profiles an urban homesteader: Back to the Land, Reluctantly [10]