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The Mainstreaming of Survivalism

When a news giant like CNBC starts quoting SurvivalBlog at length, then obviously we are starting filter into the mainstream of public consciousness. Here is an article that is a case in point: Buying Coins to Hedge Against Inflation [1]. As one reader put it: “It brings a smile to my face when we’re way ahead of the curve.” By the way, I hope you’ve already got your nickels squared away [2]. You’ve had plenty of warning, since I first mentioned this in SurvivalBlog back in 2007 [3]. The window of opportunity for acquiring nickels before their debasement is likely to close soon [4].

Don’t get me wrong… I don’t expect the nation to suddenly go all Rawlesian [5]–with everyone from 18 to 80 toting .45s, voting for Ron Paul, getting right with God, putting in big gardens and laying in two year food supplies. The shift of a survivalist mindset won’t come until after there is a major “Crunch”. But once this shift occurs, it will be profound. In fact, I predict that in the aftermath of a full scale socioeconomic collapse, there will be no more “survivalists”, per se. There will just be survivors, and statistics. The paradigm shift to prepper mindset will become so ubiquitous that it will simply be the norm. Hence, it might not even carry any special appellation.

I’m sure that most of you reading this have grandparents that lived through the Great Depression, and surely you witnessed them carrying on with the rest of their lives being very thrifty, avoiding debt, and wasting nothing. Just think of that effect amplified a hundred-fold. That will become the collective mindset of the next generation: Armed to the teeth, distrustful of statists and unsound currencies, and feeling compelled to always keep a very well-stocked pantry. That will be the new “normal”–the new mainstream. That should last for a generation or two. Then, inevitably, complacency will set in, and the cycle will repeat. That is human nature.