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Odds ‘n Sods:

Jeremiah S. and Ed. B. both sent me the link to this article from Wyoming, New York: Old bomb shelter, supplies harken back to Cold War days [1]

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Andre D. sent this: The Secret Lives of Solar Flares [2]

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In a four-day period that included Labor Day weekend, there were 67 people shot in the streets of New York City [3]. Not content with the manifold lack of success of some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, Mayor Michael Bloomberg called for the enactment of more gun control laws! He was quoted: “We cannot tolerate it, there are just too many guns on the streets and we have to do something about it.” Bloomberg is a hypocrite that is thoroughly out of touch with reality. He is well-known as the chairman of a group that calls itself “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” (MAIG). But more accurately, his group should be called “Mayors Against All Guns Except For Us, Our Cronies, The Police, and Our Bodyguards” (MAAGEFUOCTPAOB), or perhaps “Corrupt and Criminal Democrat Mayors Against All Guns Not Owned By The Government Or By Very Special People” (CACDMAAGNOBTGOBVSP). You see, Bloomberg’s group has the distinction of an exceptionally high rate of felony convictions among its members [4], for crimes ranging multi-million dollar graft schemes and theft of campaign funds to wife beating. And, ironically, as felons these members have lost their right to own guns. But they think that they know what is best for us lowly plebes.

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A bad summer for grizzly bear attacks continues: Gutsy wrangler, huge horse save boy from charging grizzly [5].