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Economics and Investing:

G.G. sent this: Deficit Averaged $110 Billion Per Month So Far in 2011 [1]. So, what’s a shortfall of $3,600,000,000 per day, among friends? It all sounds a little like Wimpy [2]. Given the demographic trends of our aging population, the projected GDP, the prevailing inflation rate, and the law of compounding interest, it is nigh on impossible for our children and grandchildren to ever pay off this crushing debt.

Did Soros Win 10/1 Return On S&P’s US Credit Rating Downgrade? [3]

France & Britain AAA-ratings Under Scrutiny [4]

More shrugging: Fed Up: A Texas Bank Is Calling It Quits [5]

An interesting 15 minute podcast: Jim Puplava interviews Chris Martenson [6]

Most Americans can’t afford a $1,000 emergency expense [7]