F.G. sent this: Cooped Up: Chickens Come Home to Roost for Urbanites With a Yen for Hen [1]
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Nissan eyes powering your house from your car [2]. (Thanks to Anthony S. for the link.)
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Camping Survival [3] just got another shipment of Wise Foods, packed in food grade pails. They created a 10% off coupon on these, just for SurvivalBlog readers: “wise10“. These pails are in stock and ready to ship within two business days.
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James C. suggested this video on do it yourself evaporative refrigeration: Zeer Pot Fridge. Cool your food or drinks with no electric needed! [4] (This could be a life saver those who are insulin dependent!)
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Six Creepy New Weapons the Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People [5]