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Odds ‘n Sods:

Kamie sent a link to a great 8 minute long chicken slaughtering and butchering video [1].

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Hooray! The U.S. has done away with the black beret [2]. I always thought it was absurd to give everyone (the entire “Big Army”) an “elite” beret. That struck me as Lake Wobegon grandstanding. (“…and where all the kids are above average.”)

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Norm G. spotted this Nanny State news: EPA Bans Many Household Rat and Mouse Poisons [3]. Stock up on d-CON, [4] pronto!

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Steven M. forwarded this one: ‘Doomsday Plane’ Would Save President and Joint Chiefs in Apocalypse Scenario [5]

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A friend of mine in Afghanistan sent this news article link: FBI expands agents’ investigative power [6]. Well, gee, let’s all just go on a great big fishing expedition, and not bother to keep any records… Do you feel safer, now?