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Letter Re: Encapsulate Your Own Potassium Iodate

Dear Editor:
With several Japanese reactors threatening to meltdown, knowing that I am downwind and would have less than a few days’ notice, I quickly did some research on how to protect my family. The choices for thyroid protection (apparently the most common disease) are either Potassium Iodate (KIO3) or Potassium Iodide (KI).

I found an old SurvivalBlog article that showed that KIO3 has advantages to KI [1]. So I placed an order for enough pills to cover our family, plus extras to give away. But while doing some additional research I happened upon the bulk form of KIO3 at PureBulk.com [2]. I then found an article describing the process of capping your own supplements from powder [3].

I knew I’d need a capping machine, some caps, a precise scale and some filler to balance out the capsules. Without the filler it’s next to impossible to get a consistent dosage.

For about $75 I bought the following items, enough to give the recommended adult dose of one 170 mg pill for fourteen days to at least thirty people:

1 – Potassium Iodate 100g (KIO3-00100)
1 – EDTA Calcium Disodium 250g (EDTAC00250)
1 – Scale, Digital Gram, Blade Series, 0.01g x 100g (BLADE)
1 – The Capsule Machine & Tamper (0) + 500 Gel Caps (CAPMC0+500GEL)

On the plus side, I’ll have the machine and scale and experience for capping my other supplements. I’m on quite a few supplements so this will save even more money.

Alternatively to EDTA, you can use Dextrose for a filler, though I couldn’t find any on PureBulk.com. EDTA is very harmless (found even in baby food) and has the added advantage of chelation which is the process of removing heavy metals from your body, something which could potentially be found in the fallout. The amount of EDTA per pill should be 330 milligrams, or one twentieth the daily maximum of a person weighing 200 lbs; check your other medications for EDTA before you proceed, to make sure you’re not getting too much.

I plan on keeping the bulk powder in the refrigerator until needed, though I will produce a practice batch first — I don’t want the moment of panic to be the first time I attempt this.

Follow the procedure [3] to get precise measurements. There are some YouTube videos [4] which also show some of the procedures.

I am no doctor, so consult yours for advice before proceeding as KIO3 interacts with your thyroid. Do some research [5], too.

Enough pills for 30 adults, for $75 bucks. Not bad, eh? – C.D.V.

JWR Adds: That sure beats the current very high prices on eBay, where folks are re-selling products that originally came from one of our advertisers. (One seller had a $1,000 per bottle asking price!)