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Update: Kindle SurvivalBlog 2005-2010 Archives

The SurvivalBlog.com Archives 2005-2010 [1] for Kindle [2] has just been updated to be more user friendly.

New features include:

Note: Those of you who have already purchased the Blog Archives ebook, send an e-mail to: kdp-support@amazon.com [3] with this info:

“KDP Team, Please update this ebook on my account. [insert the e-mail address of your Amazon account here] ASIN: B004OL2XQ0”

If the Search Function still doesn’t work after you’ve updated to the new version then try the following:

  1. Update to the latest version [4] of the system software on your Kindle.
  2. Wait for the Kindle to index the archive, which takes about one hour. (This is because the file is 21.2 MB.)

Anyone ordering the Archives for the first time (from February 25th onward) will get the improved version.

OBTW, you don’t need a Kindle to use the mobile reader Archives. You can download one of Amazon’s free Kindle ebook readers [5].

Want to buy a Kindle? There are several versions available [2].

Stay tuned for release of the HTML and PDF version on CD-ROM for PC and Mac laptops. After a brief glitch, it is back in Beta testing. Again, thanks for your patience.

We eventually plan to create another version for Sony, Nook, iPad and other readers in epub format. If any SurvivalBlog readers have personal experience and can recommend truly functional epub creator software, then we’d appreciate your advice. (Contact Sebastian Rawles via e-mail [12].)