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Letter Re: Investing in Nickels, in Quantity

Dear Mr. Rawles,
Regarding people eventually mailing U.S. nickel [5 cent coins] in bulk, you had asked: “Is there a box manufacturer that makes a sturdy corrugated cardboard box that fits tightly into a Medium size Priority Mail Flat Rate corrugated cardboard box?” At ULINE [1] you can get a box to fit nicely inside the corrugated Medium Flat Rate Box (“FRB1″, with dimensions 11″ x 8-1/2″ x 5-1/2”). It is item #S-4517. It measures 10″x8″x5″. These boxes cost 54 cents each in lots of 25. (OBTW, leave it to the government to make two “medium” flat rate boxes. The longer, narrow one, “FRB2”, is made of thinner material.) 

I buy my shipping material from ULINE and find them to be prompt and accurate in filling orders. A human always answers the phone. Their order line is: 1-800-295-5510.

Of interest to preppers, ULINE also sells sand bags, plastic bags, burlap bags for storing green coffee beans, all sorts of storage containers, and rolls of “Faraday Cage” static shielding material. Take Care, – Bill at BallisticClipboard.com [2]

JWR Replies: Thanks for that useful information. OBTW, I recently added that, as well as some information on fitting rolls of nickels into .30 caliber ammo cans in the latest edition of my static page on Nickels [3].