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Odds ‘n Sods:

A major failure in family OPSEC [1], up in Canada: Chilliwack man shaken after home invaders take $750,000 in silver [2]. It doesn’t rhyme, but remember: Loose Lips Invite Home Invaders!

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Ol’ Remus [3] mentioned a useful web site that will calculate the magnetic declination for most locales [4]. Since the magnetic north pole has been shifting rapidly in the past 20 years do not trust the declination diagram that is printed at the bottom of your handy-dandy USGS or Ordnance Survey map, even if the map is just a few years old. It is most likely out of date!

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Another one of Bloomberg’s corrupt and criminal mayors resigns [5]. Mayor Adam Bradley is just the latest in a long string of disgraced mayors! There are an astonishing number of mayors in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) cabal [6] that have been forced to resign from office, after being convicted of criminal charges. For the sake of accuracy, I believe that the organization ought to be re-named: Corrupt and Criminal Democrat Mayors Against All Guns Not Owned By The Government Or By Very Special People (CACDMAAGNOBTGOBVSP).

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Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Can’t Find You [7]