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Odds ‘n Sods:

Some commentary from novelist Stephen Hunter: Why 33 rounds makes sense in a defensive weapon [1].

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Nicholas S. sent this news item from The Washington Post: In Pepco territory, blackouts mean more home generators, more noise complaints [2]  

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Ol’ Remus [3] (one of the web’s most entertaining bloggers) recently had a link to Kellene Bishop’s article: Forever Foods and More [4].

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O’l Remus also mentioned: “The reservoir of bees is dwindling to the point where ratios are dangerously out of kilter, with the US reaching the “most extreme” imbalance. Pollinated crop output has quadrupled since 1961, yet bee colonies have halved. The bee-per-hectare count has fallen nearly 90 percent, reports Ambrose Pritchard in his article [5], Einstein was right – honey bee collapse threatens global food security, at the Telegraph UK.”