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The Importance of Personal Fitness as a Preparation, by Chris E.

We all have taken the time to discuss here the importance of making preparation for the the bad times to come, in the realm of food and water storage. We have picked our defenses carefully, planed routes of egress, but how many of us have prepared ourselves from a physical perspective? This in my opinion is really the cornerstone of any prepping, after all our mobility and endurance is seldom tested in the confines of modern society. Now I realize that not all people are at the same starting level of fitness, starting level of health, or other factors. That being said, let us look at what we can do to take each member of our family to their optimal level. This will not, unfortunately cover every possible unique situation, there after all too many variables. This is intended rather as a primer, a place to start out and for each person to progress as their situation, and abilities dictate.

The reasoning behind my motivation for this part of preparations, is that it seems to be the most under covered and a fundamental for survival. This is one of the preparations that will cross all situations. This covers more then just the mobility effects of being in better shape, but the host of other benefits for the body as a whole. The immune system will work better, you will be more alert and focused. The release of endorphins from this can stave off depression and will help with the manual workload that will be if things get really bad. So where to begin, start with taking a look at your current level of activity, If you run marathons as a hobby, congratulations, not only are you in superior shape but a bit crazy too. However if you sit and play video games all day long your thumbs are in shape, but maybe not much else. So lets start here with the people that are the least active.

1. Get moving. This is the start, even just getting out and walking will improve your base fitness.

2. Skip the elevator. This goes with point number one.

3. Skip the drive through. Fitness is more then just being active, its a way of life, plus when the end comes Burger King will be out of order.

4. Push yourself. Not too hard, but you want to make progress, if you start at only walking a few blocks, try to add to that each week.

Now this is just the beginning, but you have to start somewhere, and you have to push even just a little to make some progress. Talk to your doctor of course before you begin, just to be safe, they will probably be overjoyed in your interest in this kind of self improvement, and can direct you how to begin.