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Letter Re: In Defense of the Fortress Mentality–and Architecture

CPT Rawles:
Rolled [woven] cattle wire and green landscaping cloth strike me as something that could be whipped up into a do-it-yourself HESCO [1] barrier. And then there’s good old-fashioned Basket Weave from saplings. (which is still in the current US Army Engineer field manual, believe it or not)

To save on wire (i.e.: Eliminating the end panels on a HESCO that but up against each other), perhaps two parallel fences can be run with posts and filled in between them with rock, dirt, etc.

Also, I grew up on a farmstead in New England that was built in the 1760s. This was a somewhat unstable time with frequent “Visits” by hostile, indigenous neighbors. Every home up there had “Indian Shutters” as a result.  Since many new Englanders throw nothing away, these shutters were still up in our barn a couple of hundred years later. These were made of thick oak, wrought iron fittings, with a cross cut into them for a musket.

There was also a local community “Blockhouse [2]” centrally located and stocked with supplies. – Jim in Virginia (Currently on an overseas deployment)