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Odds ‘n Sods:

John B. flagged this: The federalization of local law enforcement [1]

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“Wolverines!” It now seems there is renewed hope for the completed-but-yet-shelved remake of the movie Red Dawn [2]. The latest news is that it will get released in 2011, after all [3], assuming MGM’s “exit from bankruptcy” goes well.

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The publisher is again offering a 10% discount for SurvivalBlog readers on the DVD Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm.  This is a comprehensive DVD tutorial on home food production available showing you how much water you need, how much land, highest efficiency gardening systems, home butchering and small livestock, orchards, and more.  SurvivalBlog readers will get a 10% discount [4] off the regular $28.95 price. Avalanche Lily [5] and I both greatly enjoyed this no-nonsense DVD. We highly recommend it!

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Snipers report high job satisfaction: study [6]. (Thanks to F.G. for the link.)