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Odds ‘n Sods:

Mike H. sent me an amazing video by Halvor Angvik, filmed in the Swiss Alps. Okay, I guess that in order to qualify it for inclusion in SurvivalBlog, I’ll title this: High Speed Bug-Out in Alpine Terrain [1].

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Eric in Kansas sent this preview of American street riots, in a few years: Greece riots as fire bombs, stones fly in Athens [2], and meanwhile there are riots in Rome [3], following Berlusconi’s no-confidence vote. Oh, and more riots are expected [4].

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Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight: Would-be robber faced many previous charges [5]. (Thanks to F.G. for the link.)

Tim P. mentioned some compact chemical fire starters that he saw at his local grocery store [6]. Tim’s comments: “They are lightweight and waterproof and make for a great kindling option in a B.O.B.  I also use them in my wood stove/”