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Economics and Investing

A Daily Bell interview: Rick Rule on Scarce Commodities, the High Price of Gold and the Sale of Global Resources [1]

Several readers sent this: Zoellick seeks gold standard debate [2]

Quantifying What QE 2 Means for Future Inflation and Gold and Silver Prices [3] 

JBG sent this from a Wall Street Journal blog: Number of the Week: $10.2 Trillion in Global Borrowing [4]

Items from The Economatrix:

Fed’s Trillions Purchase of Bonds is a Fraud [5]

Caught In A Lie: Bernanke Promised Congress the Federal Reserve Would Not Monetize the Debt But Now That is Exactly What is Happening [6]

Currency Wars, Debase, Debt Default and Deny! [7]

Nine Reasons Why Quantitative Easing is Bad for the US Economy [8]

ForeclosureGate Could Force Bank Nationalization [9]