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Economics and Investing:

Reader Michael A. suggested reading this commentary by Karl Denninger: Bernanke’s Folly: The End Game. [1]

K.T. liked this piece by Bix Weir at The Road to Roota Letters: A Final Checklist for Everyone [2]. The article opens with this sobering words: “My Road to Roota analysis shows that we literally days away from the breakdown of the entire fiat monetary system and I thought it a great time to go over final preparations for the coming chaos. In the grand scheme of things you can never be fully prepared for what is about to transpire because nobody on earth has been through it before…not to this scale. I guess the closest thing we can compare it to is the experience of the Germans in the early 1920s with the Weimar Republic.”

Expert: Home Prices Cosuld Fall Another 20% Due to Excess Inventory [3]

Fed’s Bernanke `Doesn’t Understand’ Economics, Jim Rogers Says [4]. (A hat tip to J.C.)

Items from The Economatrix:

Warning of Possible Bank Holiday [5]

Retailers’ Modest October May Spur Holiday Deals [6]

Applications for Jobless Aid Rise Sharply [7]