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Letter Re: Prepping: It is Dental and it is Mental, by Wade H., DDS

Mr. Editor:
A good item to have on hand is Oil of Oregano. It stops the bacteria infection in the tooth and gives one enough time to find a dentist to take care of the problem. Last Wednesday, my nine year old Australian Shepherd woke up with an extremely swollen cheek nose and eye. I called the vet and she could not fit Hannah in for a week. I started giving Hannah Oil Of Oregano P73 in the pill form (wrapped up in ground meat). In two days, the swelling went down about 80%. Today Hannah went to the vet and the vet did a look over and said well, there is no swelling and the tooth does not look broke. I insisted that the vet look again and told her what condition Hannah had been in. She ended up getting her tooth pulled. The tooth was rotted way down in the roots. Moral of the story – Since Hannah had to wait for 1 week and had she not had the Oil of Oregano, she more than likely would have died from the infection.

The Oil of Oregano will not cure the bad tooth, but it will kill the infection, thus giving you time to find a dentist. I know of two people who did nothing to their abscessed tooth and ended up in the hospital, had to have all their teeth pulled and had to learn how to walk and talk all over again. Oil of Oregano is an anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitical, and anti-viral. When the flu came knocking at our door last year, we doubled our daily dose of Oil of Oregano and the flu did not stay but an hour. The first year in many that no one got sick. We also carry Oil Of Oregano in our Bug Out Bag. It can clean out an infected wound, kill the bacteria in water, and even worm you! Yes, I have I wormed my dogs with Oil of Oregano. – Ginny