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Economics and Investing:

Sue C. sent this: V-Shaped Recovery Dreams Evaporate [1]

The U.S. housing market is still nowhere near the bottom: Record Number of Bank Seizures of U.S. Homes [2]. (Thanks to Steve C. for the link.)

E.M.B. sent us this evidence that the banksters are in Desperation Mode: Fannie Mae Began Buying $1,000-Down Mortgages Without Approval [3]

From Toby Connor of Gold Scents: Why Can’t Politicians Understand What is Really Happening? [4]

Items from The Economatrix:

Swiss Institutions Ask: Where’s The Gold? [5]

Real World Solutions to Economic Tyranny [6]

Greenspan: Fiscal Stimulus Worked Far Less Than Expected [7]

Would A Midterm Loss For Democrats Boost Stocks? [8]

Americans Struggle to Regain their Shrunken Wealth [9]

CitiGroup Shedding Student Loan Business [10]

Good news, Peoria: Caterpillar Sales Accelerate Across the Globe [11].