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Letter Re: Learning from Living History Interpretors

D.R.W.’s essay titled “Learning from Living History Interpretors” describes a very clever and practical way to learn to do things as our ancestors did. He has hit on a great plan.

In a TEOTWAWKI [1] situation, we may not be starting from scratch–i.e. with only a rock and a sharp stick–but we will need to have skills that are foreign to almost all of us today. Those skills will restore a sense of community and division of labor. What better way to restore civilization, therefore, than to learn useful skills that will be beneficial to ourselves and others? Learning to do blacksmith work, farming, tanning and leatherwork, canning, soap & candle making, and a myriad other tasks will keep people busy with constructive work. There will be no room for able-bodied freeloaders – work or step aside.

His essay was one of the most practical and thoughtful entries in the writing contests that I’ve read. This is information people can use and build upon. This isn’t an outrageous scheme that will never work nor is it a costly endeavor. It’s smart. Kudos to D.R.W. Regards, – Wry Catcher in California